History of Batraxoi
Since its founding in 1980, Batraxoi has performed many concerts presenting a wide range of music, including premieres of new works by its members. In New Hampshire, Batraxoi has performed in Nashua, Hollis, Hancock and Mason. Concert locations in Massachusetts have included Lincoln, Pepperell and Groton. The group takes its name (which means "frogs" in Greek) from a play by the classical playwright Aristophanes. He named that play, like several others, after the chorus: in this case, a chorus of frogs, who sing "We are the musical frogs. We live in the marshes and bogs, and our voices are known for their musical tone.
Many of the concerts have included works by Robert W. Griffin.
Weep with those who weep: a Requiem (work for SATB chorus, soloists and orchestra with words by Lotta Suter and music by Robert W. Griffin, 2016)
Ruwth (a chamber opera with words by Lotta Suter and music by Robert W. Griffin, 2014)
Sarai (a chamber opera with words by Lotta Suter and music by Robert W. Griffin, 2013)
Yona (a chamber opera with words by Lotta Suter and music by Robert W. Griffin, 2011)
The Midwife of Bethlehem (a chamber opera for Christmas, words and music by Robert W. Griffin, 2010)
The Christmas Letter (a story for Christmas, words and music by Robert W. Griffin, 2009)
The Christmas Dance (a story for Christmas, words and music by Robert W. Griffin, 2005)
Ose Shalom (Jewish song, arranged by Robert W. Griffin, 2003)
Hermoso Bouquet (Spanish folksong arranged by Robert W. Griffin, 2002)
My Father\'s Son (song for tenor and piano, by Robert W. Griffin, 2002)
El Cant dels Ocells (Catalan folksong, arranged by Robert W. Griffin. 2001)
The Christmas Goose (a story for Christmas, words and music by Robert W. Griffin, 2001)
A Clear Night, A New Song (a story for Christmas, words and music by Robert W. Griffin, 1998)
Shabbat Hamalka (Jewish song arranged by Robert W. Griffin, 1998)
To Look with Eyes that Wonder (anthem, words and music by Robert W. Griffin, 1997)
Ivory and Gold (a story for Christmas, words and music by Robert W. Griffin, 1996)
The High Wood (duet for oboe and piano by Robert W. Griffin, 1996)
Three Poems by Dickinson (partsongs composed by Robert W. Griffin, 1996)
Fare Forward (partsong by Robert W. Griffin, 1995)
The Stranger at the Gate (musical for Christmas, book and lyrics by Robert W. Griffin, 1995)
The Stonecarver\'s Rose (a story for Christmas, words and music by Robert W. Griffin, 1994)
In the Wilderness (cantata, composed by Robert W. Griffin to texts from the Dead Sea Scrolls, 1994)
Three Songs for the Forest (partsongs composed by Robert W. Griffin, 1994)
The Song of Joel (chamber opera for Easter, libretto and music by Robert W. Griffin, 1992)
The Song of Miriam (chamber opera for Easter, libretto and music by Robert W. Griffin, 1990)
The Song of Simeon (chamber opera for Christmas, libretto and music by Robert W. Griffin, 1988)
A Round for Bells (canon by Robert W. Griffin, 1986)
Suffer the Little Children (anthem by Robert W. Griffin, 1984)
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